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As illustrated in my blog post on Personal Knowledge Management,  I have been keeping a journal since 2007 of personal thoughts and events in a Moleskine  rather than putting everything online.

Just at nearing the final pages of number 13 to move onto the next one, I went back to the previous Journals and found that as I went through them they have got fatter with “extras” being added, more and more. I suspect this is down to recording more, but some of it is probably because life has become faster and busier over the years.


Why do I keep a personal journal:

  • Memories so the family can reflect on events
  • Keeping notes and remembering events
  • My journal doesn’t need a battery
  • My pen doesn’t need to be cabled or wifi’d to print with it
  • It doesn’t crack when I drop it (although it can get wet)

If you need some inspiration around writing and keeping your own personal journal here are some links to help: